Saturday, December 31, 2005


After doing a little bit of browsing, I found out that if people are identifiable in a picture that you have to get them to sign a waiver before you can use it as your own in the public domain. That means that some of my pictures have either been removed or edited so that you cannot tell who the person is. Oh well.... :)

Friday, December 30, 2005


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Santa Cruz Del Valle De Los Caidos

Photos by Suzanne McVay

"The monument is an underground church and tomb topped with a 500 foot stone cross, which can be seen from a distance of 30 miles. Although supposedly honoring all the dead in the Spanish Civil war, only two names are commemorated, those of General Francisco Franco and of José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange (and safely dead before the mausoleum was started). Most critics see this gargantuan memorial, not as a mode of post-civil war reconciliation, but rather of Fascist theatricality. And we are often reminded that prisoners on the Republican side, many of whom lost their lives in the process, were forced to quarry this huge cavern out of the rock. Sculptures were designed by Juan de Avalos." [source]

Monday, December 26, 2005




Sunday, December 25, 2005


Tomorrow I'll be in Toledo. = lots more pictures hopefully

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Friday, December 23, 2005


anonymous commenting is now on! sorry!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Spain 2

Graffiti. is. everywhere.

If anyone wants a picture of something in particular while I'm in Spain, just ask! Email me (thedpage(at)gmail(dot)com).

Spain 1

Sunday, December 18, 2005

city road at night

not my favorite, but it will do :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Photo Adventure 1

all photos by me

Friday, December 16, 2005


This is one of my favorite sunset photos that I have ever taken.


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